Installation, sales and commissioning for ventilation, heat recovery and air conditioning systems of
Mitsubishi Electric and Mark Air
Simultaneous heating and cooling with the benefit of heat recovery. By moving energy where it’s needed, the input is reduced by up to 30%. Offering flexibility, operability, comfort, and control, making it
ideal for hotels, offices and leisure.
One outdoor unit provides all indoor units heating or cooling at a given time. Ideal for open plan
offices, call canter’s or retail.
Air conditioning systems need to extract or reject energy to enable the heating and cooling process to
operate. This can be done via air, ground or water and our wide range of products are designed to
maximise efficiency regardless of source
Fresh Air Ventilation Range: excellent air quality and heat exchange efficiency
The Lossnay range of units have been developed to suit both commercial and domestic applications and benefit from heat recovery technology, ensuring effective fresh air ventilation whatever the type of building
The Lossnay system has perfected the recovery of energy that would have otherwise been wasted. It does this by either warming or cooling incoming air a feature which makes these units extremely energy efficient.
Heat recovery is made possible via the unique Lossnay ultra thin core technology which is constructed in a corrugated form and layered in alternative directions
Packaged Air Handling Units are designed to provide a tempered air supply into commercial buildings. They work in conjunction with the buildings air conditioning system to provide occupants with a fresh and comfortable environment.
Fresh Air Ventilation Range: excellent air quality and heat exchange efficiency. The Lossnay range of
units have been developed to suit both commercial and domestic applications and benefit from heat
recovery technology, ensuring effective fresh air ventilation whatever the type of building
The Lossnay system has perfected the recovery of energy that would have otherwise been wasted. It
does this by either warming or cooling incoming air a feature which makes these units extremely
energy efficient.
Heat recovery is made possible via the unique Lossnay ultra-thin core technology which is
constructed in a corrugated form and layered in alternative directions
Packaged Air Handling Units are designed to provide a tempered air supply to commercial
buildings. They work in conjunction with the buildings air conditioning system to provide occupants
with a fresh and comfortable environment.
In Conjunction with Mark Eire. We have replaced air handling units for Clients.
We design, installed and commission new and old fit systems.